+Understanding your firm’s culture

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Date(s) - 26/05/2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


One of the key components of creating the correct response to the SM&CR regulations is understanding your firm’s culture and the part it plays. In this online workshop we take a closer look at the ways you can identify the type of firm’s culture you have as well as the separate culture you have created through the operation of your T&C scheme. To be successful you need to understand each culture and the steps you may need to take to align them if necessary.

2be Development Consultancy offers this online workshop. This workshop will last for 2 hours and will be facilitated using ZOOM software.

Who might attend
Anyone who have an interest or involvement in understanding your firm’s culture.  Delegates from Senior Management, Compliance, Training & Competence have all found this workshop worthwhile.

The session will be held
26 May

Further dates will be released

The workshop will make use of the competing values cultural assessment tool and the T&C Cultural Continuum; the latter being designed by 2be Development Consultancy.

How to book
To reserve a space at a workshop you must email office@t-cnews.com stating which one(s) you would like to attend.  You will receive a booking confirmation and a joining link nearer the workshop

How much does it cost to attend?
Premium+ and Premium+ Flexi subscribers can select to attend these workshops for free subject to the terms and conditions of their subscription. This includes no cancellation charges. Please quote your membership number when booking

If you are not a Premium+ or Premium+ Flexi subscriber you are welcome to attend any of the workshops.  The delegate price per event is £75+VAT.  To book a place please email office@t-cnews.com.  You will be sent a booking confirmation and invoice.  You will be issued a link to join the workshop shortly before the event.


About Author

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I provide consultancy and support to UK based financial services companies helping them to design and implement practices that develop their people, achieve their business goals and comply with the needs of the regulators. I specialise in T&C, competence assessment and conduct which may be of particular interest to companies as they address the requirements of the Certification Regime and Code of Conduct requirements. My specialities include: Knowing you have a business to run Valuing your people as your greatest asset Keeping things simple, practical and relevant Engaging the business to promote ownership Ensuring Compliance is a natural by product of doing things well

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