Date(s) - 26/02/2019
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
2be Development Consultancy Venue TBC
The Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) was introduced for banking firms in 2016 and Insurers in December 2018. It will apply to solo-regulated firms from December 2019. Solo regulated firms are categorised as Core, Enhanced or Limited Scope with different requirements applying to each. This workshop focuses on Core Firms. To check whether you are a Core Firm use the FCA tool
When & Where
Leeds 13 February
London 14 February
Edinburgh 26 February
Leeds 27 February
London 28 February
Who should attend?
Individuals within a firm that will have accountability for SM&CR or responsibility to deliver it. Our key message is that the sooner you start the better place you will be to complete the changes needed before 10 December 2019. You will also be able to deal with the requirements after this date in a positive and structured way
What are the outcomes of attending?
To understand the outcomes the regulator wishes to achieve and the challenges this presents to firms and how to meet them
To connect the SM&CR to your culture and the drivers of it
To establish a timeline of key events that need to be completed before 9 December 2020
To map across existing controlled functions into the new regime, allocate prescribed responsibilities, create statements of responsibilities, understand the duty of responsibility and where needed documents required for completion
To understand the Code of Conduct, how to embed it within your firm and the breach reporting requirements Establish the full scope of Certification Functions in your firm and how to conduct an appropriate FIT assessment for each category in scope and maintain effective oversight
To design, issue and when to withdraw a certificate as required and the impact on HR processes.
How to deal with new starts and leavers from December 2019 including regulatory references
Who is running the workshop?
Jeff Abbott, Regulatory Services Director from 2be Development Consultancy.
How much does it cost?
£299 +VAT
How do I book?