Working with T&C under Consumer Duty

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Date(s) - 03/10/2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm



The new Consumer Duty regulations came into effect on 31 July.  It is now that all the real challenges start as you embed all the changes.  As part of this process you will come across aspects that either have not gone as expected, possibly overlooked or could simply work better.  The FCA fully expect firms to review and make changes to ensure that they deliver good outcomes for consumers.

In this 2 hour, Zoom based workshop (not webinar) we focus on the practical aspects of T&C. We  look at how the new Consumer Duty affects the day to day operations of T&C and your T&C scheme.  This provides a great way to benchmark your approach or experience different ways to do things and go away with some really useful ideas to progress.

Workshop Outcomes

  • To understand how the new Consumer Duty affects your approach to T&C
  • To know why culture plays such an important role and why T&C is affected
  • To describe a good consumer outcome
  • To understand the relationship between good consumer outcomes and competence
  • To be able to define the standards expected of a competent person
  • To assess the impact of T&C on people not engaged in Appendix 1 activities
  • To identify the impact of consumer biases on your customers and how you should respond
  • To be aware of the critical skills to help put your customers in a place to make informed decisions
  • To review how all these changes impact upon your Fit and Proper assessments
  • To link T&C management information to support board reporting and the importance of an outside in approach
  • To review the role of customer coaching in evidencing good consumer outcomes
  • To be aware of how all these aspects affect day to day supervision

Dates and Times

6 September 1000-1200
19 September 1000-1200
3 October 1000-1200

How to book

A delegate place is priced at £95 +VAT.  To book your place email  We will issue an invoice.  A link will be forwarded shortly before the event




About Author

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I provide consultancy and support to UK based financial services companies helping them to design and implement practices that develop their people, achieve their business goals and comply with the needs of the regulators. I specialise in T&C, competence assessment and conduct which may be of particular interest to companies as they address the requirements of the Certification Regime and Code of Conduct requirements. My specialities include: Knowing you have a business to run Valuing your people as your greatest asset Keeping things simple, practical and relevant Engaging the business to promote ownership Ensuring Compliance is a natural by product of doing things well

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