Date(s) - 23/11/2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Getting the very best out of your T&C scheme requires you to think and act more broadly than focusing on a narrow focus of prescriptive rules. To structure T&C as a true business enabler requires you to not only understand key aspects of people and regulation but also how to weave them together to help achieve the desired outcomes. Key aspects of regulation include the Senior Managers and Certification Regime, The Code of Conduct, the FIT regulations and the New Consumer Duty as well as the T&C Sourcebook requirements. You need to understand how these regulations interact with your culture and values as well as your people development practices.
Getting to grips with T&C is a two part online workshop specifically designed to help equip you with the essential elements you need to know as well as practical insights and ideas to build T&C into your business and not operate as a tick box bolt on.
Training & Competence (T&C) forms an essential part of FCA regulations. 2be Development Consultancy offers two online workshops which together cover all the content associated with this subject.
Each online workshop will last for 2 hours and will be facilitated using ZOOM software.
The dates and sessions are as follows:-
Part One
23 November
Part Two
30 November
Future dates will be added
Who should attend?
Anyone who is about to be appointed into a role or has recently been appointed into a role that requires skills & expertise in Training & Competence. This workshop also works really well as a CPD event for experienced people who would enjoy a refresher of all the key elements the subject involves
Take our fact or fiction test
T&C Fact or Fiction?
- Supervisors must carry the same qualification as the people they supervise
- You can design a T&C scheme with no mandatory T&C activities
- Advisers’ technical knowledge must be checked quarterly
- A supervisor must fully complete an observation aid every time they accompany an adviser
- Supervisors must sit an annual validation to evidence their coaching & assessment skills
- The FCA has stated recently that a financial planner or mortgage adviser can only be deemed competent if they complete a minimum of one product sale each quarter
- When a supervisor supervises more than 15 people prior FCA approval must be obtained
This may help you decide whether you wish to attend our workshop.
If you think some or all of the statements are facts click here
If you think all of the statements are fiction click here
Part One
- To understand the true purpose of T&C and how it fits within the regulatory jigsaw including its relationship with key regulations including SMCR, the Code of Conduct and the New Consumer Duty
- To describe how to determine competence, set the height of the competence bar and its relationship with professional excellence
- To connect your company culture to ethical behaviour, the code of conduct and FITness assessments under the Certification Regime
- To know the best practices associated with the design and structure of T&C procedures and how to model the key communication outcome expectations of the new Consumer Duty
Part Two
- To create a set of objectives/outcomes to effectively measure the performance of a T&C scheme and how it supports wider governance requirements
- To be familiar with the different categories of KPIs and how to ensure you create a balanced approach to Management Information
- To structure observation aids and the skills needed to use them effectively to support governance expectations
- To design a ‘risk wave’ to identify high risk supervisors within the scope of your T&C scheme
- To identify the key people risks withing your T&C scheme and how to manage them
- To know how to structure a review/audit of your T&C scheme
- How to structure your own CPD as a T&C Professional
How to book
To reserve a space at a workshop you must email stating which one(s) you would like to attend. You will receive a booking confirmation and a joining link nearer the workshop
You do not have to attend both workshops. You can select which one(s) you would like to attend.
How much does it cost to attend?
The delegate price per event is £75+VAT.