Getting to grips with Coaching & Assessing (Part II)(ZOOM)

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Date(s) - 27/02/2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Under the requirements of the Training & Competence sourcebook anyone who acts in the capacity of a supervisor with someone performing an activity listed in Appendix 1 must have the necessary coaching and assessment skills to discharge these responsibilities. Managers who assess a person’s fit and proper status under the certification regime are also expected to have the appropriate coaching and assessment skills.  These skills are essential for the effective operation of any competence assessment.

2be Development Consultancy offers two online workshops which together cover all the content associated with this subject. These interactive sessions fully engage delegates without reliance on any role plays.

Each online workshop will last for 2 hours and will be facilitated using ZOOM software.

The dates and sessions are as follows:-
Part One
6 February
3 May

Part Two
27 February
17 May

Future dates will be added

Who should attend?
Anyone who is about to be appointed into a role or has recently been appointed into a role that requires skills in coaching & assessing.  We are also told that it acts as a great refresher for people. This can include Team leaders, overseers, supervisors, sales managers etc. 

Part One
To understand the differences between coaching, mentoring and training
To understand why coaching is all about questions
To build a personal skills inventory against the role of a coach
To build and know how to run a coaching session using the GROW model
To be able to build a development plan that is SMART

Part Two
To understand the four stages of the assessment process and how to use them
To use the four main methods of assessment to gather objective evidence of competence
To build a portfolio to prove a person’s competence using the rules of evidence
To capture sufficient, accurate evidence during an assessment
To classify and evaluate a person’s performance against agreed standards
To plan and structure your feedback and coaching sessions

How to book
To reserve a space at a workshop you must email stating which one(s) you would like to attend.  You will receive a booking confirmation and a joining link nearer the workshop

You do not have to attend both workshops.  You can select which one(s) you would like to attend.

How much does it cost to attend?
The price per delegate is £75+VAT.  Book before 1700 on 3 February and receive a 33% discount


About Author

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I provide consultancy and support to UK based financial services companies helping them to design and implement practices that develop their people, achieve their business goals and comply with the needs of the regulators. I specialise in T&C, competence assessment and conduct which may be of particular interest to companies as they address the requirements of the Certification Regime and Code of Conduct requirements. My specialities include: Knowing you have a business to run Valuing your people as your greatest asset Keeping things simple, practical and relevant Engaging the business to promote ownership Ensuring Compliance is a natural by product of doing things well

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