Essential supervisory skills

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Date(s) - 12/06/2019
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Etc Venues


When & Where 
Leeds 15 May 2019
London 12 June 2019

Who should attend?
Anyone who is about to be appointed into a role or has recently been appointed into a role that requires skills in supervision. This is particularly relevant in you are a supervisor working within scope of the T&C regulations and the certification regime.  We also know that it acts as a great refresher for people. This can include Team leaders, overseers, supervisors, sales managers etc and managers who are required to supervise Certification Functions

What are the outcomes of attending?
 To benchmark your skills against the key skills required by a supervisor and create your personal gap analysis To shape supervisory support you provide to best motivate an individual
To evidence a person’s competence in the most effective way using a range of techniques and how this fits with a FITness assessment under the Certification Regime
To use questioning skills to greatest effect
To identify the possible root cause of a problem.
To work with the preferred learning style of individuals and structure development plans using appropriate solutions to match known preferences
To conduct a feedback session to desired standards and construct development action plans that satisfy SMART criteria
To deal with times when you have to deliver negative feedback in the workplace

Who is running the workshop?
Jeff Abbott, Regulatory Services Director from 2be Development Consultancy.

What have previous delegates said about this workshop?
Perfect time for me in terms of recent promotion to management role – good overview of skills I need and structure for feedback especially useful
Great refresher but also looking at new ways to do things.  See what others do

How much does it cost?
£299+VAT for first delegate
£250+VAT for second and subsequent delegates

How do I book?


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