So long and thanks for all the fish…
No, it’s not another Shakespeare reference, as it is a Douglas Adams quote, but is,…
No, it’s not another Shakespeare reference, as it is a Douglas Adams quote, but is,…
Can we stop talking about “getting back to normal”? There isn’t a “new normal” (which…
Recent research (yes, that’s still happening) shows that we know what we thought we always…
And how many beans make five, come to that?* But back to my question. How…
Happy New Year, of course… so, another year just about to begin (he can’t sue…
Strange, when running courses every now and again a certain topic crops up regularly and…
Recent research (I always cringe when that’s the first words of an article) shows that…
We regularly deliver courses on “Notes & Minute Taking” (it’s one course, before grammar pedants…
No, it’s not another Shakespeare reference (keep up at the back or at least read…
We spend a great deal of our time training people about the power of communication…