+Essential Supervisory Skills in an FCA world (Part I)

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Date(s) - 10/02/2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Essential Supervisory Skills is a three part online workshop that focuses on the role of a supervisor in an FCA regulated environment.  Essential Supervisory Skills help you understand what is expected of you in a supervisory role and helps you develop and apply best practice. 2be Development Consultancy offers three online workshops which together cover all the content associated with this subject.

Each online workshop will last for 2 hours and will be facilitated using ZOOM software.

The dates and sessions are as follows:-
Part One
28 May
8 June
10 August
17 August
28 September
28 October
14 December
10 February

Part Two
1 June
10 June
19 August
24 August
30 September
29 October
16 December
22 February

Part Three
12 June
29 June
24 August
31 August
5 October
30 October
18 December
25 February

Future dates will be added

Who should attend? 
Essential Supervisory Skills is for people who supervise others. It is ideal for new starts or people who have been supervising others for a while and are looking for a need of a skills refresher.  Essential Supervisory Skills is ideal for people caught within the scope of the Certification Regime performing the role of a supervisor and who are responsible for the assessment of another person’s fitness and propriety.  These workshops address the FCA findings published in the stocktake report first published in August 2019.

Part One
To benchmark your skills against the key skills required by a supervisor and create your personal gap analysis
To define competence and understand the factors that influence the height of the ‘competence bar’
To explore the supervisor’s relationship to the competence bar
To shape supervisory support you provide to best motivate an individual
To know how to use to the 4 stage assessment process
To understand the key aspects to observing a person within the assessment process
To capture evidence during an observation

Part Two
To understand the differences between activity management & competence management
To build a portfolio of evidence using the 3 main categories of evidence
To structure and use KPIs effectively
To identify the possible root cause of a problem.
To work with the preferred learning style of individuals and structure development plans using appropriate solutions to match known preferences
To be able to evaluate the effectiveness of a supervisory intervention.

Part Three
To understand the GROW coaching model and how to use questions effectively
To know how to conduct a feedback session to desired standards and construct development action plans that satisfy SMART criteria
To assess a person’s performance against agreed competence standards and plan your feedback
To deal with times when you must deliver negative feedback in the workplace

How to book
To reserve a space at a workshop you must email office@t-cnews.com stating which one(s) you would like to attend.  You will receive a booking confirmation and a joining link nearer the workshop

You do not have to attend all 3 workshops.  You can select which one(s) you would like to attend.

How much does it cost to attend?
Premium+ and Premium+ Flexi subscribers can select to attend these workshops for free subject to the terms and conditions of their subscription. This includes no cancellation charges. Please quote your membership number when booking

If you are not a Premium+ or Premium+ Flexi subscriber you are welcome to attend any of the workshops.  The delegate price per event is £75+VAT.  To book a place please email office@t-cnews.com.  You will be sent a booking confirmation and invoice.  You will be issued a link to join the workshop shortly before the event.


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