Author Tom Wood

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Tom Wood Head of Commercial Searchlight Insurance Training, part of UKGI Learning Solutions UKGI is one of the leading compliance consultancies to the general insurance, consumer credit and claims management sectors. We can help your business succeed, with the clear expert compliance advice you need in a complex and ever-changing regulatory environment. We provide a broad range of consultancy services that can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of your business and staff, including CII-accredited compliance workshops and webinars. Ensuring you adhere to the latest rules and regulatory best practice can be a complex and time-consuming undertaking for any general insurance business. It can sometimes feel like a burden, distracting you from your core focus on looking after clients. An experienced specialist consultancy like UKGI can lighten the load. We have over 15 years’ regulatory and compliance consultancy experience. So when you work with UKGI, you can rest assured you’re in safe and expert hands.