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What we offer

Our standard subscription is free.  We encourage you to sign up to our mailing list to help keep you up to date with developments.  (You do not have to supply email address to access articles)

Standard (£0 FREE)
Standard gives you access to all articles in T-CNews. Each article is within one of the key sectors – Regulatory General, Regulatory Specialist, Consumer Duty, Industry Focus, People Development and Opinion & Insight. We add new articles every quarter.  In addition, a search facility is available to look for articles by topic. Also. if you prefer you can download articles as a quarterly PDF document. By the way, you can share the PDF with your colleagues who work at your firm. We encourage you to do this.

There are hundreds of articles available to search and read. We add new articles every quarter

T-CViews All Content (£120+VAT for 12 months)
Secondly we offer access to T-CViews  which Includes all Standard features PLUS all content of T-CViews.
T-CViews contains short videos to support your CPD or Team Meetings. Each video is between 15 and 60 minutes in length. We add new video content regularly. Each video is supplied with copy slides, some with transcripts plus test question and answers. Additionally,  we have no objection to you sharing the content with your team.

Current Videos include

  • Assessing Competence – Best Practice
  • Defining competence to perform a gap analysis
  • Fit and Proper assessments – what the rules tell us
  • SM&CR coffee time briefing
  • The Certification Regime scope
  • SM&CR for Enhanced Firms
  • SM&CR for Core Firms
  • Getting to grips with the Certification Regime & Code of Conduct
  • SMCR -6 Searching Questions
  • The impact of the new consumer duty on T&C Schemes
  • Outside in not inside out-evidencing good consumer outcomes
  • How to design and conduct a review of your own T&C scheme
  • Working with T&C under Consumer Duty

T-CViews Consumer Duty    £60 +VAT for 12 months
We also offer T-CViews Consumer Duty which Includes all Standard features PLUS all content of the Consumer Duty videos within T-CViews.

Current Videos include

  • The impact of the new Consumer Duty on T&C Schemes
  • Outside in not inside out-evidencing good consumer outcomes
  • Working with T&C under Consumer Duty

T-CViews FIT and Proper    £60 +VAT for 12 months
We also offer T-CViews FIT and Proper which Includes all Standard features PLUS all content of the FIT and Proper videos within T-CViews.

Current Videos include

  • Assessing Competence – Best Practice
  • Defining competence to perform a gap analysis
  • Fit and Proper assessments – what the rules tell us

How to set up your access to T-CViews
You can complete the details on this page and make payment by Paypal.  If you prefer you can email asking for a T-CViews All Content, T-CViews Consumer Duty or T-CViews FIT and Proper account to be set up.  You will be invoiced and can pay by credit card, bank transfer or cheque

Open Workshops

Current titles include:

  • Getting to grips with T&C (2 parts)
  • Essential Supervisory Skills in an FCA World (3 parts)
  • Understanding your firm’s cultures
  • Getting to grips with coaching
  • Getting to grips with assessment skills
  • Getting to grips with the Certification Regime
  • FCA FIT – Understanding the rules, competence and gap analyses
  • FCA FIT – Links, standards, assessment & evidencing
  • How to construct and undertake a review of your T&C scheme
  • Working with T&C under Consumer Duty

Details of all open workshops are published in our events calendar.  The cycle of workshops is regularly repeated so keep an eye on the events calendar or sign up to our mailing list to be kept informed of when we are running new events.