Summer School 2021 – All places are free


Over the next 2 months 2be Development Consultancy will be running online workshops as part of their Summer School Programme. All workshops under the Summer School are free to attend.  To book your place(s) email

There are 10 different workshop titles to choose from.

The first 3 workshops are all key elements of the SM&CR.

We know from recent activity that some firms would like to review the way in which they have performed key aspects and are looking for help.
2be Development Consultancy are happy to perform reviews of your T&C or Certification Regime schemes or, as is this case, share their expertise on key subjects.

The details of the 3 events are as follows;

Fit and Proper Assessments Part 1
To breakdown how to conduct an FCA fit and proper assessment into the component parts and fully understand what the FCA expect from each component
To be able to determine standards associated with Competence and how to perform a gap analysis

  • 16 August
  • 20 September
  • 20 October

Fit and Proper Assessments Part 2
To be able to detail the links between your culture and values and the FCA code of conduct.
To be able to follow best practice when assessing a person’s Competence to ensure that when you conduct an FCA fit and proper assessment you fulfill the needs of your firm and the regulator.

  • 18 August
  • 22 September
  • 22 October

Understanding your firm’s cultures
One of the key components of creating the correct response to the SM&CR regulations is understanding your firm’s culture and the part it plays. In this online workshop we take a closer look at the ways you can identify the type of firm’s culture you have as well as the separate culture you have created through the operation of your T&C scheme. To be successful you need to understand each culture and the steps you may need to take to align them if necessary.

  • 26 July
  • 25 August
  • 13 September

The next 5 workshops look at different aspects of supervisory skills

Getting to grips with Coaching & Assessing Part 1
To understand the differences between coaching, mentoring and training
To understand the GROW coaching model and how to use it
To build a personal skills inventory against coaching skills
To build and know how to run a coaching session using the GROW model
To be able to build a development plan that is SMART

  • 23 August

Getting to grips with Coaching & Assessing Part 2
To use the four main methods of assessment to gather objective evidence of competence and comply with the 3 main rules of assessment
To build a portfolio to prove a person’s competence using the 6 rules of evidence
To understand the common assessment traps and how to avoid them
To assess a person’s performance and plan to conduct a feedback session and development plan

  • 27 August

Essential Supervisory Skills in an FCA World Part 1
To understand the role of the supervisor and the FCA’s expectations
To benchmark your skills against the key skills required by a supervisor and create your personal gap analysis
To define competence and understand the factors that influence the height of the ‘competence bar’
To explore the supervisor’s relationship to the competence bar
To shape supervisory support you provide to best motivate an individual
To understand the structure of the GROW coaching model and how to use it
To construct a development plan that is SMART
To use open questions effectively

  • 6 September

Essential Supervisory Skills in an FCA World Part 2
To understand the differences between activity management & competence management
To build a portfolio of evidence using the 3 main categories of evidence
To structure and use KPIs effectively
To identify the possible root cause of a problem.
To work with the preferred learning style of individuals and structure development plans using appropriate solutions to match known preferences
To be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your supervisory actions

  • 10 September

Essential Supervisory Skills in an FCA World Part 3
To use the four main methods of assessment to gather objective evidence of competence and comply with the 3 main rules of assessment
To build a portfolio to prove a person’s competence using the 6 rules of evidence
To understand the common assessment traps and how to avoid them
To assess a person’s performance and plan to conduct a feedback session and development plan

  • 15 September

The final 2 workshops focus on Training & Competence

Getting to Grips with T&C Part 1
To explain what T&C is about and how it fits within the regulatory jigsaw
To describe the component parts of competence and its relationship to other matters such as culture, values , TCF, MCD, IDD MiFID and the Certification Regime
To identify the key people risks you face through the operation of a T&C scheme
To be aware of the best practices associated with the design and structure of T&C procedures

  • 27 September

Getting to Grips with T&C Part 2
To use a different range of tools within the operation of a T&C scheme
To be familiar with the different categories of KPIs and how to ensure you create a balanced approach to Management Information
To structure an observation aid correctly
To design a basic risk model with an appropriate supervisor risk wave

  • 29 September

Each workshop is facilitated over Zoom and runs between 1000-1200

All places are subject to avaiability so please book now


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About Author

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I provide consultancy and support to UK based financial services companies helping them to design and implement practices that develop their people, achieve their business goals and comply with the needs of the regulators. I specialise in T&C, competence assessment and conduct which may be of particular interest to companies as they address the requirements of the Certification Regime and Code of Conduct requirements. My specialities include: Knowing you have a business to run Valuing your people as your greatest asset Keeping things simple, practical and relevant Engaging the business to promote ownership Ensuring Compliance is a natural by product of doing things well

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